
Tom’s summer 2018 bicycle tour of the Czech Republic. Tom cycled through Southern Bohemia after playing tourist in Prague. The beauty of Southern Bohemia was exposed in small villages and towns surrounded by lakes, hills, forests, and rolling farmland along the Vitava River. The final days of the tour followed cycle paths and country roads along the Danube through Austria’s Wachau Valley. Click on an image to read the story behind the photo.

Tom explored the land of his Hungarian ancestors on his September 2017 bike tour through Western Hungary. The adventure started in Vienna and headed through the vineyards along Lake Neusiedl (Lake Ferto in Hungary). He cycled to the northern shores of Lake Balaton and ended the tour sightseeing in Budapest, one of the world’s most beautiful cities. Click on an image to read the story behind the photo.

Bikes and things about bikes. Cycling events and cyclists. It’s here if it has a bike in the frame.