2012 Wellness Vision

I am a happy, healthy person who draws on my talents,
life experiences and passions  to motivate myself and
others to be mentally, emotionally and physically fit.

Goal #1: I will define my social networking presence by blogging and tweeting on health, fitness and wellness with an emphasis on cycling, healthy eating and support for bariatric surgery patients.

1.1.    Blog weekly on living a healthy active life targeting post-op bariatric patients
1.2.    Tweet consistently to weight loss surgery social networks about living as a post-op bariatric surgery patient

  • Motivators: Weight loss surgery community Interest in a male long term post-op patient perspective
  • Obstacles: Time and conflicts with work and home life
  • Strengths/Resources: Personal writing skills, web authoring and design skills, past blogging experience
  • Support: Rely on web traffic reports, comments and feedback
  • Potential Risks/Mistakes: Overextending myself with this effort
  • Structure and Flexibility: Rotate diet, exercise, health, wellness and happiness posts
  • Reevaluation: Track feedback and comments; refocus as necessary.
  • Celebration: Hold contests or giveaways at significant milestones
  • Renewal: Continue blogging and tweeting

Goal #2: I will enrich my life through interpersonal relationships, growing my support network, and enjoying my free time with friends and family.

2.1.    Regularly attend bariatric and long-term post-op bariatric support groups
2.2.    Regularly post to Obesity Help forums and comment on fellow bariatric bloggers’ blogs
2.3.    Allocate time for friends and family who are outside of my weight loss surgery and cycling networks

  • Motivators: Friendships formed in weight loss and cycling support groups and communities
  • Obstacles: Time and conflicts with work and home life
  • Strengths/Resources: Open to forming new relationships and trying new support mechanisms
  • Support: Rely on close friends with my support network to be my confidants and motivators
  • Potential Risks/Mistakes: Spreading myself too thin over my support networks
  • Structure and Flexibility: Open to just about any form of networking and relationships
  • Reevaluation: Look at these goals midyear and refocus if necessary
  • Celebration: Blog about my positive experiences and encourage others
  • Renewal: Continue participating in activities on a regular basis. Look for new opportunities

Goal #3: I will embrace a healthy eating mentality that focuses on bariatric dietary principles, proper nutrition, and satiety rather than relying on restriction signals from my Lapband.

3.1.    Choose foods that are high protein, high fiber, low fat, and low sugar
3.2.    Eat less red meat, more lean protein meats, fish and vegetarian foods
3.3.    Avoid processed foods
3.4.    Be conscious of serving sizes
3.5.    Eat until I feel full but not uncomfortable

  • Motivators: Maintain current weight.
  • Obstacles: Food attraction and past habits reappearing.
  • Strengths/Resources: 3+ years of post-op experience to leverage.
  • Support: Accountable through my blog. Rely on my support network.
  • Potential Risks/Mistakes: Failure by eating poorly. Too busy to cook and eat responsibly
  • Structure and Flexibility: Follow structure of bariatric diet; peer accountability for support
  • Reevaluation: Continuously monitoring diet and weekly weigh-ins
  • Celebration: Satisfaction is in maintaining a healthy diet and weight
  • Renewal: Learn from what made this goal a success and leverage on an ongoing basis

Goal #4: I will advance my level of mental and physical fitness while encouraging others to embrace a more active life through cycling, hiking and other physical activities.

4.1.    Complete a Couch to 5K program and participate in a 5K race
4.2.    Begin a hiking routine of at least 2 hikes a month increasing intensity and distance of hikes
4.3.    Complete my first century cycling event
4.4.    Participate in the 2012 MS Pedal to the Point
4.5.    Participate in at least two additional organized rides such as the Sweet Corn Ride and STOMP
4.6.    Complete at least one multi-day bicycle tour such as Green Trails Classic or GOBA
4.7.    Continue serving on the Summit Metro Parks Bike Patrol
4.8.    Host a spring Great Allegany Passage tour and possible fall tour for the Spin-offs
4.9.    Support others through my leadership and participation in the Spin-Offs
4.10.  Regularly attend a yoga class

  • Motivators: Feeling of achievement and better health
  • Obstacles: Time and conflicts with work and home life
  • Strengths/Resources: Cycling and motivational skills
  • Support: Spin-offs members, my pal Chuck and other bariatric post-ops
  • Potential Risks/Mistakes: Over extending myself and injury.
  • Structure and Flexibility: Need structure to give me path to grow my endurance during the year
  • Reevaluation: Evaluate quarterly and refocus as needed to keep 5K and hiking at top of list
  • Celebration: Highlight on blog.
  • Renewal: Build on the successes for the coming years
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