2011 Wellness Vision

As a happy, successful, and active post-op bariatric patient, I draw on my talents, life experiences and passions to motivate myself and others to be mentally, emotionally and physically fit.

Goal #1:
I will define my social networking presence by blogging weekly on health, fitness and wellness with an emphasis on cycling, healthy eating and support for weight loss surgery (WLS) patients.

Goal #2: I will enrich my life through interpersonal relationships; growing my bariatric support network; participating in fitness oriented activities; and enjoying my free time with friends and family.

Goal #3: I will live a healthy eating mentality that focuses on bariatric dietary principles, proper nutrition, and satiety rather than relying on restriction signals from my Lapband.

Goal #4: I will improve and share my cycling skills with frequent rides; participating in cycling events; being more involved in cycling organizations; and supporting others through the Spin-Offs.

Goals in Detail

Goal #1: I will define my social networking presence by blogging weekly on health, fitness and wellness with an emphasis on cycling, healthy eating and support for weight loss surgery (WLS) patients.

  • Measures:
    • Refocus beariatric.com blog on a healthy active lifestyle for post-op bariatric life
    • Blog at least monthly about healthy eating.
    • Blog at least monthly about exercise.
    • Blog at least monthly on the benefits and enjoyment of cycling.
  • Motivators: I know from my personal involvement in discussion boards, support group meetings and my cycling that people like to hear from longer term post-op patients. People like my presentations and programs.
  • Obstacles: Time and conflicts with work and life.
  • Strengths/Resources: My personal writing skills, my web authoring and design skills, my background in personal blogging and technical blogging.
  • Support: I’ll rely on comments and feedback from my readers. I’ll ask my local support network to give me honest feedback.
  • Potential Risks/Mistakes: I may overextend myself with this effort. Readers may not find my blog of interest to them.
  • Structure and Flexibility: I will develop a blog calendar of topics and poll readers for feedback regularly.
  • Reevaluation: I will track my progress at 3 and 6 months and restructure and refocus as necessary.
  • Celebration: After 6 months and 1 year of successful blogging, I will celebrate by giving away some promotions to my readers.
  • Renewal: Continue blogging and refining and growing the blog to maximize its value.

Goal #2: I will enrich my life through interpersonal relationships; growing my bariatric support network; participating in fitness oriented activities; and enjoying my free time with friends and family.

  • Measures:
    • Attend my bariatric support group monthly.
    • Present a program at least once at a support group meeting.
    • Work on forming a long-term post-op bariatric support group,
    • Enroll in a spinning or yoga class.
    • Explore hiking as an alternative outdoor activity.
    • Return to church on a regular basis.
  • Motivators: I know there is interest in hearing personal stories and listening to personal experiences. I think my experiences would motivate others. I am ready to try new things. The success of the Spin-offs will help me with a new support group.
  • Obstacles: Time and conflicts with work and life. Unable to find gym or sports center that is convenient and to my liking.
  • Strengths/Resources I like to speak and share my experiences. I am open to trying something new.
  • Support: I am going to find a partner to try the new classes and activities. I am going to convince Brett to return to church and participate in outdoor activities. I will recruit other long-term post-op patients to discuss the formation of a new support group.
  • Potential Risks/Mistakes: Not liking the new activities and choosing a class/instructor that I don’t like. People have no interest or commitment to join a long-term support group.
  • Structure and Flexibility: I want to be pretty flexible on this goal. I am open to fitting these activities into my personal time when Brett is out of town. I will also look to others to help in leading the group.
  • Reevaluation: I will see where I am on June 1 and look for new opportunities if my first attempts were unsuccessful on any of these goals.
  • Celebration: Blog about my positive experience and encourage others.
  • Renewal: Continue participating in the activities on a regular basis. Always look for new opportunities to expand this goal.

Goal #3: I will live a healthy eating mentality that focuses on bariatric dietary principles, proper nutrition, and satiety rather than relying on restriction signals from my Lapband.

  • Measures:
    • Choose high nutritional foods that are high protein, high fiber; and low fat, low sugar.
    • Avoid processed foods.
    • Be conscious of serving sizes.
    • Eat until I feel full but not uncomfortable.
    • Eat less red meat, more fish and more vegetarian.
    • Strive to reach a goal weight of 180 pounds.
  • Motivators: I want to be a success and lose that extra 10 pounds to prove that I can do it.
  • Obstacles: Food attraction and past habits reappearing.
  • Strengths/Resources: I have 2+ years of post-op experience to leverage.
  • Support: I will continue Weight Watchers at Work. I will be accountable through my blog. I will rely on my support network.
  • Potential Risks/Mistakes: Failure by eating poorly. Too busy to cook and eat responsibly.
  • Structure and Flexibility: I need the structure of the bariatric diet and Weight Watchers program accountability for support.
  • Reevaluation: Reevaluate this on a monthly basis examining diet and weight.
  • Celebration: Treat myself to a special gift to myself when I reach 180 pounds.
  • Renewal: Learn from what made this goal a success and leverage it in an ongoing basis.

Goal #4: I will improve and share my cycling skills with frequent rides; participating in cycling events; being more involved in cycling organizations; and supporting others through the Spin-Offs.

  • Measures:
    • Participate in the 2011 MS Pedal to the Point and Hancock horizontal hundred
    • Ride the 50 mile Sweet corn ride.
    • Participate in the 2011 Bike New York 5 Boro Bike Tour
    • Consider riding in the 2011 GOBA.
    • Spend at least four weekends on remote trail ride. Possibilities: Franklin PA; Great Allegany Passage; Xenia and Little Miami trails; Cumberland. MD; Rochester, NY Erie Canal; Niagara Wine Country; New River VA; New England
    • Join the Summit Metro Parks Bike Patrol.
    • Attend at least 3 Summit Metro Parks night rides.
    • Continue leading and riding 2 days a week with the Spin-offs.
    • Begin road riding the Akron bicycle club’s weekly rides at least bi-weekly
    • Introduce training into the spin-offs with cycling safety, trail etiquette, and basic roadside repair mini sessions.
  • Motivators: Feeling of achievement and better health. These goals are key components of my success.
  • Obstacles: Time commitments. Inability to go the distance or speed on long road rides.
  • Strengths/Resources: I am a pretty good cyclist and motivator. I can use this to my advantage.
  • Support: The Spin-offs members and Brett.
  • Potential Risks/Mistakes: Over extending myself and injury.
  • Structure and Flexibility: I need to establish a structure and schedule to maintain and grow my endurance during the year.
  • Reevaluation: Evaluate if any of the measures is taking too much time and maybe sacrifice to accomplish the larger goal.
  • Celebration: Schedule a European cycling vacation for 2012.
  • Renewal: Sounds like a good plan for 2012 with some changes to add some spice into the rides.
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  1. Pingback: Step 1: Set a Sound Foundation for your Wellness Vision | Beariatric

  2. Pingback: Breaking Free From Your Comfort Zone

  3. Pingback: What is the key to happiness in your life? | Beariatric

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