2016 Wellness Vision

I am living a healthy and happy life drawing on my life experiences to be a fit and active person. I look for fun activities to embrace life to its fullest.

My Main Motivators

  • Live the life that is uniquely my own and not defined by others.
  • Live an active retirement doing the things I love.
  • Volunteer with organizations that support my passions.
  • Live a life that makes a difference for those around me and in my community.  

My main obstacles

  • Controlling my ESTJ (supervisor, aka executive) personality type that wants to over manage and control without much flexibility.
  • I am still not clear on what retirement means to me; especially the focus of family, work, volunteerism and personal time.
  • Time: respecting/restricting commitments and overextending myself which is my nature.
  • General fear of the unknown; going from a more structured, known life that I live today.

My Strategies to Overcome my Obstacles

  • Under commit and under schedule allowing for fun time.
  • Seek some guidance from others on retirement; possibly from a life or fitness coach.
  • Spend a good bit of time this coming year reflecting on what is really important in my life.
  • Feel freer to do new things but always set and respect boundaries to avoid doing too much.
  • Always ask myself, “Is this really fun?” acknowledging that fun is the word I want to frame my life around.

My Goals

  1. Live a fun fit and active life. [Details…]
  2. Live a happy and healthy life. [Details…]
  3. Prepare to live a happy healthy fit and active retirement. [Details…]

My Goals in Detail

Goal #1: Live a fun fit and active life.

  1. Make it a priority to ride my bike, run and hike for fun.
  2. Cycle, run, hike and snowshoe 2,016 miles in 2016.
  3. Engage in at least 3 days of fun physical activity every week.


  1. Transition the leadership of the Spinoffs; sharing my experience, knowledge and vision.
  2. Remain engaged in the Spinoffs while decreasing the dependency on my involvement.
  3. Cycle in at least two bicycle multi-day touring events of 200+ miles.


  1. Return to running regularly at least 2 days/ week for 3+ miles.
  2. Complete at least two half marathons and 5 additional races.

Goal #2: Live a happy and healthy life.

  1. Decrease stress by using my time better and eliminating over committing to others.
  2. Find fun new things to do that support my fit, healthy, active life.
  3. Engage myself more actively in family activities with my husband.
  4. Get my diet back on track by eating healthier and focusing on clean eating.
  5. Share my journey of preparing for a happy healthy retirement on my personal blog.
  6. Find a purpose to support WLS post-ops that focuses on my love of an active outdoor life.

Goal #3: Prepare to live a happy healthy fit and active retirement.

  1. Determine how my life experiences, love of volunteerism, and my talents can lead me to a purposeful rewarding retirement.
  2. Explore engaging a fitness and/or life coach to help me achieve my life goals in retirement.
  3. Locate a challenging 2017 cycling adventure to celebrate my retirement and defines my retirement years.
  4. Finish my professional career on a positive note by sharing my career knowledge through mentoring, educating and blogging.
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