My Goals for the year

I was an expert in crafting workplace goals. My life changed after my heart attack. Goals became an important part of my personal life. I am very much a goal focused person in my golden years. I gained new insight into how goals fit into my retired life during the past two years. Retirement gives me the freedom to do what makes my life happy, fulfilled, and productive. Freedom needs some structure so that freedom is always a factor of my retirement days.

Goals are the building blocks and the structure to making my life a good life. My goals today do not follow the rigor of pre-retirement goals. I spent my life living by SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) goals. My goals as a retired person are somewhat SMART. They are somewhat specific and somewhat measurable. They balance structure and accountability while acknowledging the importance of freedom as a retiree.

Eating Healthy

  • Drink 6 cups of water per day working up to 8+ cups by the end of the year.
  • Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
  • Snacks are mainly fruits and vegetables.
  • Minimize refined carbohydrates and refined foods in my diet.

Being Active

  • Ride my bike at least 2019 miles.
  • Visit the gym three times a week adding variety and intensity.
  • Walk 3 to 4 times a week around the neighborhood or on a trail.

Living the Good Life

  • Maintain a weight of 170-180 pounds. 180 is my target and 170 is my stretch goal,
  • Be actively involved in bicycle advocacy in Knox County.
  • Be actively involved in Ohio to Erie Trail advocacy.
  • Discover new things and new opportunities in my retirement days.

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