Charlie Brown Christmas debuted on January 9, 1965 in full living color, a 60s term hyping the sales of color TV. Four years later, full living color came into our living room. It’s hard to…
Posts tagged holidaytraditions
Christmas memories trilogy for 2020
Tom’s memories of Christmas past for 2020
Thanksgiving then and now
Thanksgiving grocery shopping, like all my mother’s grocery expeditions, was driven by a battle plan that George Patton would have admired. She scanned the Alliance Review Persky’s Market, Kroger, and A&P ads for the best…
Freedom 2020
Independence Day is when Americans celebrate freedom. This is especially important in today’s politically and socially divided society. Freedom was instilled in my youth. It was the day when the red, white, and blue of…
Memorial Day memories
Memorial Day signaled that school days would soon come to an end and the freedom of hot summer days would soon be here. My mother, siblings, and I headed into Alliance to my aunt Gert’s…
Kolach, Hungarian nut roll
Kolach is certainly on the Christmas tables of Hungarian-American homes. I saw this sweet bread called beigli at Budapest’s Great Market Hall. It is known in most Eastern European homes by other names: kolachi, kolache,…