God, I wish I knew how to quit you!

Tonight Brett and I went to see Brokeback Mountain with our transgender friend Joe and our liberal gay-supportive widow Barb. It was an appropriate group for the movie. We figured that we were probably the last gay couple to venture out to see the movie.

It was obvious to see why this movie has seen so much press and praise. I won’t spoil the storyline for any of our friends who haven’t made the trek to see the movie. It was a touching story whose plot had some real meat. It seems like “gay” movies up until this time revolved around confused gay men in large cities dying from AIDS and hitting the club scene like little princess pretty-boys. Duh… and we wonder why the general public has stayed away?! Brokeback had real people with a real plot and a deep story line. That’s what makes a great movie. Chalk on up for our side. Send them boys an engraved honorary toaster.

Coming to age during the 60s and 70s, I can relate to the undertones of oppression, secrecy and shame. Many scenes directly related to my life at that time. It makes you realize how far the gay rights movement has taken us. It also obvious how much of this movie remains true for many people today.

So, I’ll give this one two snaps, a swish and a “You go girlfriend!” Go see it if you haven’t already.

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