Just when I thought 2020 was behind me and brighter days were ahead, the US Capitol siege turned that optimism sour. Scenes brought back memories of 1968, a time when it seemed America was coming…
Browsing Category Blogging
A fresh new look
I have blogged since 2006. Darren Rowse, a blogging expert, believes people blog for self-improvement and personal growth, to make money, to have a voice in a community, or to make the world a better place. My…
Changes for the New Year
Change. The power to make changes overtakes us when the calendar page turns to January 1. Resolutions are made. Diets become healthier. Visits to the gym resume. Bad habits are banished to history. It’s a…
Tom’s Top Five Memorable Days of 2011
January 1 New Year’ Day saw a change in how I would approach New Year resolutions. I had spent four months researching and building a wellness vision. The more I found out about how a…
Tom’s Five Favorite Posts of 2011
2011 was my sixth year of blogging. In January, I redesigned the look and feel of the blog. I also changed the focus to my thoughts on healthy living from a bariatric patient’s point of…
Top Five Photos of 2011
Today, I begin a weeklong series of “Top 5…” posts. These are snippets of 2011 from different perspectives. I am starting this series with the top five photos of the year. I like to take…
Meet the Blogger: Rob Portinga from Former Fat Dudes
Today I am interviewing Rob Portinga from Former Fat Dudes. Rob is the webmaster and primary blogger behind FormerFatDudes.com, a web site that is dedicated to life after weight loss surgery from a dude’s perspective….
Meet the Blogger: Gloria Samuels from Banded Living
Today I am interviewing Gloria Samuels from Banded Living. Gloria and Sandi Henderson are the web mistresses of BandedLiving.com, a comprehensive web site for people exploring Lap Band surgery or living life as a Lap…