Survived Black Friday

We had a restful Thanksgiving. Although I love to shop, I refuse to go out on Black Friday morning. Brett and I did it many years back and knew that we never wanted to do it again.

I found a wonderful secret that I will share with you. Many stores offer many of their deals that are in store at their web sites too. Staples offers almost everything. This year I found that Best Buy, Kohl’s and CompUSA had numerous bargains online. Just check the web sites Thanksgiving evening for the time they start to offer deals.
I set my alarm for 5:55 a.m. and got all the deals that Staples had in store at the online store. I also shopped Kohl’s and Best Buy picking up many other gifts. I am almost done with my holiday shopping and was back in bed by 7:00 a.m.
Last night we went to our friends Steven and Tom’s annual holiday libations party. They had moved to Fr. Lauderdale but had some friends agree to continue their party. It’s a great idea. Everyone brings a leftover dish from Thanksgiving (still in the original casserole) and shares. Tom and Steven were up for the weekend. We had a wonderful time.
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