buenas tardes from costa maya

b2009_1201CostaMaya0018 Hello from Mexico! I am relaxing on our veranda watching the afternoon sun set on the port of Costa Maya. I have some internet credit to use on the ship. So, I thought I would write a post to the blog.

It was a beautiful day; sunny with temps in the 90s. Brett and I zip lined over the jungle canopy today. It was a lot of fun. I would have never imagined myself being lifted in a harness 150 feet above the b2009_1201CostaMaya0026 jungle floor and fastened to a cable and sail across the jungle. It was exhilarating. We soared about a 1/2 mile total.

Costa Maya itself is not the most interesting port. It is still largely being developed as a tourist destination. We found a few bargains but it is largely a self contained cruise ship port. I wonder about the security of the area too. After departing the ship we passed several machine gun armed Mexican soldiers who were patrolling the port. On the hour bus ride into the jungle, we had to pass through a heavily armed checkpoint.

Yesterday was a pretty restful day. I started early with a morning spinning class. Wow, does that give you a workout. I singed up for the sessions all week. Brett and I did a couples hot rock massage in the b2009_1201CostaMaya0043 ship’s spa. It was extremely relaxing. We mostly spent the day around the pool and pool bar. On the cruise we are travelling with 2 couples we have cruised with before. Larry and Brian from Wisconsin and Fidel and George from New Jersey. They are also our dinner table mates .

b2009_1201MonAtSea0034 Well, I m off to relax a little before tonight’s entertainment and dinner. It’s nice having wireless on this veranda. I just need to find time to write an blog entry; maybe in a few days. Tomorrow we dock in Belize where we are tubing down a river and through some caves.

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