sunny spring saturday bike ride

bSummitBike 029 With temps in the high 40s and sunny skies, Brett and I decided to take our first weekend bike ride of the season. We decided to keep it local and explore some parts of the Summit Hike and Bike that we had never ridden on before. Our friend Susan joined us on this early spring ride.

We started at the trailhead at the Silver Lake Village Hall. We quickly bSummitBike 065 came to a hill that provided a roller coaster-like introduction to the trail. The trail paralleled the Cuyahoga River most of the way. There was a connector early on that allowed you to cycle across he river to Waterworks Park. We stayed on the main trail and soon crossed under Route 91 in Munroe Falls.

The trail from Munroe Falls east towards Kent was gently rolling as it crossed a pretty wooded shoreline. The Pambi Farms golf course crosses the trail. The trail ended at Kent-Munroe Falls Road where it bSummitBike 053 continues north using city streets through Stow.

We knew the Portage Hike and Bike had a small section completed just a short distance to the east. There were no signs or directions but we were confident that we could find it. Both trails run alongside the river. Logically, we figured that we could cycle as close to the river as possible and eventually find it.

It was a little more elusive than we thought it would be. We ended bSummitBike 041 up at Fred Fuller Park in Kent, the eastern end of the Portage trail segment. After some searching (the trailhead is poorly marked), we found the trail and started back west to Munroe Falls. It’s a very nice trail that is pretty natural as it parallels the river. It ends at Middlebury Road. We quickly had our bearings at that point.

For those wanting to take this extension from the Summit Hike and Bike, make a right onto Munroe Falls Kent Road and cycle about 1/4 bSummitBike 034 mile to Akron Road. Make a right and follow Akron Road until it ends at Middlebury Road. Take a right onto Middlebury. The Portage trailhead in on the left just over the bridge. It’s less than 1 mile of road riding.

It was nice to get out for the first time. We rode the 13 miles in less than 2 hours. The trail was hillier than expected but a good cardio workout. I’ll probably ride it more often using the Munroe Falls Kent Road trailhead that is closest to me as my starting point.

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