We all have triggers. Those are the things that we hear or see that elect our emotions. One of those triggers for me is how people punish themselves in their weight loss journey.
Losing weight is difficult. Progress may not be that straight line from point A to point B. Self-punishment comes when progress is slow, setbacks occur and results do not meet expectations. Let’s take a look at five ways people sabotage or under estimate the progress they have made to a healthier weight.
- Just 20 Pounds More
Goals are good motivators. Too often weight loss goals are set to a specific number. Weight loss surgery patients are often given this number by their surgeon. Having a tangible number as a goal is good but the danger is defining your weight loss success defined solely by the scale.Goals need to be revisited periodically. There is a time when it is permissible to acknowledge the initial goal is not realistic. Focus should be placed on maintaining a healthy weight and changing one’s life to live a healthy happy life. I suggest that “just 20 pounds more” mentality be replaced with “keeping a healthy happy weight” mentality.
- Wasted Weight Loss Surgery
I am speaking to my readers who have had bariatric surgery. Weight loss surgery is not a money back guarantee of great weight loss. Results vary by individual. When results fall under the desired goal weight or unexpected weight gain occurs, the feeling of wasting time, effort and money on bariatric surgery appears.Most bariatric post-ops experience their weight loss up to 12-15 months post-op and a modest weight gain at 18-24 months. The issue is when that trend continues. A good place to start reversing the trend is by revisiting bariatric guidelines and following good healthy eating habits.
- Bad Food choices
Eating healthy is hard work. I would like to blame it on the constant barrage of deep fried, cheesy, sugar laden and fatty food commercials. They do their jobs well; luring us into the fast food joints, restaurants and supermarket aisles. Stop putting the blame on their shoulders.Each of us controls the choices of food we consume. Educate yourself on reading labels, understanding portion control and being able to live a healthy diet. I am a believer in moderation. I allow myself to make a bad choice now and then. To practice this well, I have to understand my trigger foods and recognize and reverse a downward spire into unhealthy eating.
- Not being creative in activity
Nothing upsets people more than talking about the need for physical activity, i.e. .workouts and exercising. Keeping oneself physically active is something EVERYONE must do. You cannot escape it if you want to lead a happy healthy life. Inactivity is a leading contributor to obesity and poor health.I have some simple advice to share. Exercise does not specifically mean heading to a gym and lifting weights and running on a treadmill. That is often the thing that discourages many people. Find an activity like cycling, walking the neighborhood, hiking the parks or swimming. It’s easier to be active when you are enjoying the activity you are doing.
- No need for support
Weight loss is something that is much easier done with help. That might be attending Weight Watchers. It could be a weight loss support group. A group of peers forming a supportive and fun weight loss challenge is perfect. Having the support of your family is critical. I advocate strongly for participating in support networks. Our mobile phones and laptops are the gateways to some pretty good fitness, weight management and overall wellness programs like My Fitness Pal or Spark People. Personally, I love the diverse activities offered by Meetup.com. There is a support group out there for everyone. Do some Googling and find the one that meets your lifestyle and needs.
Tom Bilcze
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