Renewed Hope for the Church

Well, I won the NEOS Assembly election as the Akron-Wooster lay delegate to the ELCA 2007 Churchwide Assembly by about 50 votes! As I previously mentioned, my profile clearly showed my involvement in GLBT organizations within the church. Voting members clearly knew my stand on these justice issues.

I was also pleased to see the defeat of a mean-spirited resolution to forward a memorial (resolution) to the 2007 ELCA Churchwide Assembly designating 2008 as the year of “traditional” marriage between a man and a woman. The debate consumed one session and threatened to consume another voting session. A delegate called for the question (to end the debate). It had to be passed by a 2/3 vote of the assembly. It passed and the vote was taken. The motion overwhelmingly failed. Again, another victory for GLBT people in the synod, I think the delegates saw this motion for what it really was… a mean-spirited action targeting and alienating members within the ELCA. Although, the majority may not support gay marriage, they respect the need to treat ALL people in the ELCA with love, respect and inclusion.

I left the assembly with renewed hope for GLBT people in the ELCA. No anti-gay motions were passed. The majority of speakers on the marriage resolution spoke of acceptance and love for all people. They clearly did not stand with the sad minority who labor to alienate and spread hate in their churches. I will be going to the national assembly. This is HUGE for me. I so look forward to it. I will be joined by another gay male delegate. I know several of the others elected are very friendly to inclusiveness for all people. I think the 2007 Churchwide Assembly will be one where GLBT voices will be treated positively and with love for all people.

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1 Comment

  1. Bill from Canfield June 18, 2006 at 2:14 pm

    Congratulations Tom!!!!

    And It’s nice to hear the resolution didn’t pass. I hope people are waking up and seeing this gay marriage ban movement stuff is only to take the focus off the real problems of this world.


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