Snow Day!

Wow! Did we get snow over the past two days. The weather service had said heavy snow was coming. We have been so spoiled this winter with hardly a few minor snowfalls. Over the past 24 hours we received 12″ according to my yardstick.

I had gone to work yesterday with no problems. The cold front came in and all hell broke loose. They let us out of work at 2:30 p.m. The drive home was slow and tedious. I made it home with no problems in about 1 1/2 the normal time. 6″ was on the ground. By bedtime, 10″ was on the ground.

It’s been hell on the dogs. Even Bosley who has never seen snow this deep, doesn’t know what to do. We of course have to plow a path for Abby to go out. I pity our pals Mike and Greg who have to walk Tucker. It would be miserable in this weather. Just opening a door is nice.

It appears to be letting up. Only 2″ fell today. It’s flurrying now. No measurable snow is forecast for the next few days… just that damn bitter cold again. Where is spring?
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1 Comment

  1. MIchael February 23, 2007 at 7:17 am

    Yes, Tom. Walking Tucker in a foot of snow is not much fun at all.


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