An Alimony Free 40th

On Saturday night Brett and I joined our friends Will and Tim and 10 of their other friends to celebrate Will’s 40th birthday and last alimony payment. We startled the evening with drinks and dinner at the Brasa Grill in Cleveland’s Warehouse Distrcit. It is a Brazillkian stakhouse. If you have never been to one, it’s quite an experience. An endless parade of rotisseried meats come to your table on large skewers that the servers trim pieces for you. You do not go home hungry.

After three hours we left the restaurant to celebrate at a”family” bar in Cleveland. We pulled into our driveway at close to 2:30 a.m. tired and ready for bed. It was such a fun night! Will and Tim have such good guys as their friends. We were glad to be included.

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