Lower Stress Level B+

I have made a good bit of progress in this area during the past year. My goal was to exercise 3 nights a week for 30 minutes and limit my volunteer activities to 2 work nights a week. I have met both of these measures. I exceed on the exercise; doing the treadmill 5 days a week for 30 minutes. I rarely have more than one meeting during the week. I severely curtailed my involvement in church-related activities resigning from several positions. I finish my term as President of a non-profit fraternal board in December; freeing up even more time. It is nice having time for myself after work.

I continue to blog which is very enjoyable to me. I added the Beariatric recipe blog during the summer. I plan on working on adding more frequent content and functionality to the web site over the next year. It is good therapy for me, and I enjoy learning to use another piece of software.

For the coming year, my goal in reducing stress is to say “no” even more often. I like to volunteer but will become less involved. I always seem to be the person at a meeting that is asked to be the leader. I think it its time to give other people the chance to assume those leadership positions. I am happy with devoting 2 nights a week to volunteering. I think I need to add some sort of hobby

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