a memorable year of cycling

eFinalTowpathRide 2010-10-30 001 Saturday was the final bike ride of the season for our cycling club. It was fitting that we ended the season cycling the Towpath Trail, the location of our first ride of the season. It’s hard to believe that seven months have passed so quickly.

 Last winter Christine, Susan and I put together a plan for a bicycle club for weight loss surgery patients, friends and anyone who wanted to cycle for health. We were on our way with our first ride on Easter weekend. We hosted 53 rides and met a nice group of people in the process. Our groups were as large as 12 and some times only 2.eFinalTowpathRide 2010-10-30 015

 People rode with us for many reasons. Some wanted a slower paced ride. Others wanted company on the trail and during our lunches and rest breaks. Others were looking for a way to exercise and enjoy the outdoors. About half of our cyclists are weight loss surgery patients. I think they enjoyed the support and common experiences of fellow cyclists.

 While I was cycling yesterday, I realized that I was out and on the Towpath Trail at least once weekly. I’ve been on all the sections from Rockside Road south to Canal Fulton. I loved seeing the different seasons on the Towpath. It i s really a gem for the people of NE Ohio.eFinalTowpathRide 2010-10-30 009

 Here are my five favorite bike rides in Ohio. Most of the people who know me could easily figure out my favorite trails.

  1. Little Beaver Greenway between Leetonia and Lisbon – I love this trail and enjoyed cycling it 3 times this year. The beauty never ceases to amaze me on this well maintained trail.
  2. Towpath Trail between Cascade Locks and Peninsula – What can I say.? It is just a great ride. I love the ride between Cascade Locks and Portage Trail the best.
  3. eFinalTowpathRide 2010-10-30 021Towpath Trail from Wilbeth Road to Downtown Akron – I love this urban part of the Towpath, especially the boardwalk on the shores of Summit Lake. Interesting and diverse, the ride gives you a different perspective of Akron.
  4. Holmes Trail – Cycling with Amish carts and buggies through Amish Country is a peaceful ride through a nice mixture of forests and fields.
  5. Kokosing Gap Trail – I found this super gem of a trail this summer. I look forward to cycling it next year. The trail from  Mt. Vernon to Howard is so scenic. Add to that, it is super well maintained.

eFinalTowpathRide 2010-10-30 026I know I may get some rides  in during the coming weeks before snow sets in. I look forward to 2011 and new  areas to cycle. I know we are going to spend a week of our vacation cycling New England again. I have already signed up for Pedal to the Point. I am going back to conquer the Hancock Horizontal Hundred. Plus, I plan on signing up for more charity and organized rides.

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