Can a bicycle ride change a life?

Can a bicycle ride change a life? It can in many ways. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Pedal to the Point on August 13-14 raises funds to change the lives of those suffering from this disease. The two day 150 mile roundtrip bicycle tour from Cleveland to Sandusky reminds cyclists of the reality of this disabling disease to MS patients and their families. This will be my second year riding on behalf of the patients and families who live under the burden of MS.

A few weeks back I experienced perhaps the most amazing week of my life. I joined my best cycling buddy Chuck in cycling the Great Alleghany Passage and C&O Canal Trail from Pittsburgh to Washington D.C. We cycled about 325 miles. A few years ago I could not even conceive myself undertaking such a challenge. It was a rewarding experience that will be with me for the rest of my life. I posted videos and blog posts during the ride which you can see at

I count myself as a fortunate person who has been dealt cards that allow me to ride a bike to Washington D.C. and participate in Pedal to the Point. Both of these rides challenge me to be more active and reach greater heights. For those with MS, they face challenges every day of their life. My challenges pale in comparison to these life and death challenges.

I am asking for my reader’s sponsorship to help me raise funds and awareness of MS. Your donations help fund research for a cure and provide services for those currently living with MS. You can donate on-line by clicking here

If you prefer to pay by check, you can send a check made out to “National MS Society” with “2011 Pedal to the Point – Tom Bilcze, Cyclist” in the check notes area to Ohio Buckeye Chapter, 6155 Rockside Road, Suite 202, Independence, OH 44131 Thank you for making a difference! You can visit my personal Bike MS page to learn more.

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