GOBA Day 2: Tippecanoe and Dayton Too

Voices in the campground woke me this morning rather than the patter of rain drops. That was welcome. After a casual morning of breakfast and a hike through downtown Troy, I headed into Dayton with my friend Paula.

It was a casual 50 mile ride on the Little Miami River Trail through Tipp City into downtown Dayton’s Riverscape Park. Our timing was perfect with us cycling past the five rivers fountains into town.

I love this downtown redevelopment that has transformed the riverfront into a beautiful park with something for everyone. The dancing waters was full of children scurrying through jets of water.

It was our “off” day where we did not have to cycle. I was glad we enjoyed this sunny warm day on the trail. The miles passed fast and the scenery along the river was beautiful.

Tomorrow we are off to Greenville. I know little about the city other than it is the home to Hobart and Kitchenaid I look forward to the food and festivities in the town. Each town has really worked hard to put their best foot forward to the cyclists on this ride.






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1 Comment

  1. Tracy @ My Tiny Tank.net June 17, 2013 at 8:55 pm

    It looks like the rain is holding off for you. The sky in the pictures is sooo amazing! Ride Tom Ride!!


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