The snow finally stopped falling around 8:00 p.m. last night. We awoke to a sunny morning. It was still so quiet. The road hadn’t been plowed yet and nobody was stirring. The official snow fall…
Posts tagged winter
march madness
Yesterday our area was hit with a March blizzard. I was in Columbus at a business meeting. Offices were closed early, and we started home early in the afternoon. The roads were very snowy and…
It’s snowy outside!
The concrete goose on our deck looks pretty cold. The first major snowy weekend is upon us. Yesterday Nicki and Matt, good friends of Brett’s family, graduated from Kent with their Masters. We went to…
Brrrrr… It's cold outside!
This was the coldest weekend of the winter. It was a good weekend to de-clutter the home. We spent Saturday morning clearing out some closets and reorganizing. The big project was reclaiming out office closet…