April 9, 2006 – Sunday – Another beautiful LA morning!

We were off first thing in the morning to brunch on the Queen Mary. It sits on Long Beach Harbor and is a hotel. The brunch was nice and above normal. We did the walking tour of the ship. It is something to see. I don‘t know if I would say that it’s a must see when in LA.

After brunch wee were off to return our rental car at the Long Beach Airport. We took a 30 minute ride to the Port of LA. It was pandemonium. Our ship and a Royal Caribbean ship were boarding at the same time. We stood in line for 1:30 hours to board. After boarding things went pretty smoothly. The luggage arrived soon after our arrival on board.

Pied Piper, our tour organizer, had a welcome reception before dinner. It is a nice group of people, similar to our Alaskan tour group. Carrie and Jutta, two of the cruisers we met in Alaska, are on this cruise. Lyman, our tour escort, was also our escort in Alaska. The final coincidence is that we are on the same ship, The Summit.

Our dinner table assignment is pretty nice. We are seated with 3 other long time gay couples from Illinois, North Carolina and Florida. It looks like we are going to have a pleasant group to cruise with in the coming two weeks. We finished the night in the casino. I only lost $20 and Brett broke even at blackjack.

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