Thursday morning I left for camp. I’ve been at Camp North Bay in North East, Maryland a Lutherans Concerned leadership retreat. The camp is a modern facility with nice buildings and grounds. The photo on the left is our meeting space. We are staying at a local motel and commuting to the camp for the day.
I wasn’t sure if I would like it, but I am having a great time. There have been some good sessions today. We spent most of the day working on professional development and ministry growth in sessions led by a college professor specializing in these areas. I thoroughly enjoyed his teaching techniques and came away with some good stuff. As a techie, I am not one to enjoy touchy, feely feel good experiences. We’ve kind of got close to reaching my limit, but haven’t gone over. So, I am hanging in.
Worship has been very good too. The leaders are talented and the experience has been very personal and spiritual. Tonight’s Bible study and evening worship concluded with one of my favorite hymns, “I, the Lord of Sea and Sky”. I think this hymn speaks to all people, especially those in minority. The words of the refrain really speak to me as a gay man, “Here I am Lord, It is I Lord! I have heard you calling in the night. I will go, Lord if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.”
I have three more days to go. This is quite an immersion for me. I also think it comes at a good time in my life. I am opening up to new experiences and my new role as the Region 6 Co-Coordinator for Lutherans Concerned. Pastor Wendy, my co-coordinator, and I have had some good joint sessions and experiences so far. I look forward to the coming days.