The daughter of a friend and former coworker has been building up quite a nice food web site over the past year, She and some of her friends had been featured in Oprah Magazine with a story about their Cook the Book Club. It’s a novel idea where the participants in the club agree on a cookbook to purchase and use. After a few months, they gather for a dinner where they all make their favorite recipes from the cookbook.
From their success with the club and magazine article, they launched the web site. It has come a long way over the past year. It is very well done. The food and topics are slightly upscale, reminiscent of Martha Stewart. You can subscribe to their short e-bite newsletter which comes out a few times a week. It usually has fun food facts, some cooking hints and a recipe. It’s a nice casual email to receive.
If you are looking for an interesting food-related site, this is a great one to bookmark. I highly recommend subscribing to the newsletter. Their online recipe box is also becoming fuller with good recipes that they have prepared and taste-tested.