Lighthouse Roadtrip

Today was a perfect day weather wise. We made a road trip to see the lighthouses of the Outer Banks. We started the day early at the Orange Blossom Bakery in Buxton. Mike had a recommendation to not miss the apple uglies at the bakery. Rumor had it that they run out early. So, we left at 7:20 a.m. and made the 2 hour drive to Buxton. They were very good. Apple uglies.. they are what we call apple fritters in Ohio.

We took the ferry to Ocracoke Island where we shopped and had lunch. On our ferry trip back. Mike and Greg’s battery died. They had to have to started on the ferry and spent the rest of the afternoon getting a new one installed. Greg installed it himself! We continued on to the Hatteras lighthouse where we all climbed it to the top. I really anted to do that since I had done it last 2 years ago and 2 weeks before my heart attack and surgery. I made it with no problems.

Brett and I made dinner tonight for the group. We knew Mike and Greg needed to relax at home and do nothing. I made Mexican pizzas and Spanish rice. It was a hit. We are having a good time cooking in this home and having good conversation over dinner.

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