3 months almost down and entering the next phase

I figured that it was time for an update on my lap band surgery timeline. I am on my lat week of the physician supervised diet and exercise program. It’s hard to believe that three months have gone by. I think the program emphasises that I need the surgery to lose my weight. I had all good intentions to drop the weight but today I weigh just about the same that I did three months ago. It is frustrating to lose weight.

I wrap up this phase next week with a visit to my primary care physician and my cardiologist. By the end of the week, my surgeon will be submitting my claim to Aetna for approval. I understand that the approval or denial process takes 7-10 days. I hope to have my answer by the 15th. If all things go as planned, my surgery will be around mid June.

The insurance approval phase is so depressing. I saw Brett denied three years ago and forced to do another three month diet plan. I read a lot of blogs and discussion lists. They are littered with horror tales of insurance denials and stall tactics. I like to believe that my case can justify itself given my health history. I am not sure about that. I do worry that I may be denied since was not so successful during these past three months. Maybe I should have stayed on Weight Watchers.

That’s just about it for now on the lap band update. I’ll try to post another entry after my office visits and insurance submission.
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