Last week James Dobson of Focus on the Family attacked Barack Obama on his understanding of the Bible on his weekly radio broadcast. Why did Dobson launch such a vehement attack? Polls show that the far right is quickly losing their power base. One of the primary reasons is that Obama is freely talking about his Christian faith and other faith based issues that the majority of Americans see as being important to this country and have been largely ignored by the far right: poverty, health care reform and the environment. Even those in the far right camp realize that there are bigger issues facing this country other than abortion and same sex marriage. Obama speaks to these issues freely; reaching into that pool of voters that Dobson and the Republicans treasure. I guess you can say that Obama is rustling their sacred cows away from them.
The website was created to directly respond to comments made by Dr. Dobson in his June 24 broadcast and to set the record straight about Senator Obama and his deep Christian faith. One of the most interesting facts about this site is that it is headed by Kirbyjon Caldwell, a Texas pastor and Bush family friend who led the benediction at George W. Bush’s first Inauguration. This site does a very good job of taking each of Dobson’s claims and putting them up against what Obama has said and believes. Here is the statement that the web site is asking visitors to sign. Visit it today and add your name to the list of those opposing this narrow minded view of faith, religion and politics in the USA.
James Dobson doesn’t speak for me.
He doesn’t speak for me when he uses religion as a wedge to divide;
He doesn’t speak for me when he speaks as the final arbiter on the meaning of the Bible;
James Dobson doesn’t speak for me when he uses the beliefs of others as a line of attack;
He doesn’t speak for me when he denigrates his neighbor’s views when they don’t line up with his;
He doesn’t speak for me when he seeks to confine the values of my faith to two or three issues alone;
What does speak for me is David’s psalm celebrating how good and pleasant it is when we come together in unity;
Micah speaks for me in reminding us that the Lord requires us to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him;
The prophet Isaiah speaks for me in his call for all to come and reason together and also to seek justice, encourage the oppressed and to defend the cause of the vulnerable;
The book of Nehemiah speaks for me in its example to work with our neighbors, not against them, to restore what was broken in our communities;
The book of Matthew speaks for me in saying to bless those that curse you and pray for those who persecute you;
The words of the apostle Paul speak for me in saying that words spoken and deeds done without love amount to nothing.
The apostle John speaks for me in reminding us of Jesus’ command to love one another. The world will know His disciples by that love.
These words speak for me. But when James Dobson attacks Barack Obama, James Dobson doesn’t speak for me.
While our site is more forgiving of Brother Dobson than many, we do reject his intolerant interpretation. Thank you for the link to Pastor Caldwell.