surgery tomorrow

Today I ended by pre-op Optifast diet. I weighed in at 231.5 this morning. That’s a 2 pound weight loss for the week with a total weight loss of 26.5 pounds for six weeks. I begin a clear liquid diet in preparation for tomorrow’s surgery. It will continue for the next 5 days.

This will be my last post until late Thursday or early Friday if things go as planned. I have to be at the hospital at 6 a.m. tomorrow with an 8:00 a.m. surgery. The surgery will take a little more than an hour. I should be in my hospital room sometime around noon. I will spend tomorrow night at the hospital. Early Thursday morning I will have an upper GI to verify the lapband is positioned properly. I need to drink my breakfast and lunch successfully before they will release me. I hope to be home around 4 p.m.

I am of course very nervous but prepared for the surgery. It will be interesting to see how much sleep I get tonight. At least with a 6 a.m. hospital call I won’t spend the day dwelling on the surgery.

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