I subscribe to several daily devotions. I find them inspirational. They often set the tone of my day. I especially like the Cathedral of Hope’s daily devotion. The Cathedral of Hope is a largely LGBT UCC congregation of 4,000 members in Dallas. Their devotions come from a variety of pastors on their staff. They are not generally LGBT focused, but at times do speak to issues of the LGBT community.
Today’s devotion by Pastor Jo Hudson, the Senior Pastor, really spoke to me. She talked a lot about how their church of 4,000 began with 12 people 39 years ago. She used two terms that I found very insightful, extravagant grace and unimaginable possibilities, as she spoke about their humble beginnings.
“…Still, they believed in a God of extravagant grace and unimaginable possibilities. They trusted in God, so they dared to dream of a church where all might be welcomed and all might find safety. A church where all might meet the God they know and love, the God who welcomes all to the table…”
Those sentences sum up what it really means to be Church. This is what I believe Church should be to us. As the ELCA continues its discussion on sexuality, primarily LGBT inclusion, I think these words are key things to keep in our minds. Voting members to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly will answer the question on how our church defines grace and inclusion of all in the Church.
I know I will spend the day contemplating the questions she wrote in her parting thoughts. I challenge you to also reflect on these questions as you go through the day.
“…I wonder if we can be that faithful. Can we dream that big? Can we be a church that continues to believe in a God of extravagant grace and relentless compassion? Who knows what God will do next among us?…”