Logging my food and drink for a day… Oh my!

A few weeks back, Nik over at Bariatric Foodie was looking for fellow bariatric bloggers to journal their food intake for a day. Rob at Former Fat Dudes urged me to join in. I thought it was a good idea. So, here I am with my report of my Cinco de Mayo alimentos y bebidas (food and drinks).

Words of introduction…

2011-05-04 — I am not a food journaler. I have always hated to write down what I eat whenever I have been asked. I have been a Weight Watchers member for years and counting the points just falls into the same category. I attend Weight Watchers at Work for the accountability and support of the people I have made friendships over the years.

Here are my thoughts about tomorrow. I confess that I don’t want to write it down because it will be there in my face in back and white. I am not a 100% bariatric diet compliant person. I worry that this post may not be a good thing for newbies to read.

Over the past three years I have adopted a diet that is pretty much high protein and fiber; low sugar, carbs and fat. I think you will see quantities that are most likely too large. I know I will try to be more cautious in my choices knowing you are watching me, but I also want this day to be representative of my typical day.

The Journal

2011-05-05 – This morning was somewhat atypical. I started the day off with my annual cardiologist appointment and then was off to the office. I followed my morning routine including the treadmill, protein shake and a small breakfast.

Lunch was typical. Last fall my employer adopted a healthy lifestyle and eating program. Part of this was re-architecting the cafeteria with a healthy menu. Today I had a chipotle turkey wrap and side of low fat cottage cheese. I enjoy wraps but my Lapband does not like the large amount of tortilla. I unwrap, removed 1/3 of the wrap and re-wrap. I think it was a healthy lunch. I avoided the Mexican themed dishes of the day.

I had a banana mid afternoon and a slice of deli ham and Swiss cheese when I got home from work. A few hours later, I had a healthy dinner. I am planning on eating the crackers as my evening snack. That’s my typical day.

Food and Drink WW Points Calories Protein
Early Morning Fruit and skim milk protein shake 7 335 23
Morning ¾ cup Special K Fruit and Yogurt with 1 cup skim milk

Coffee with non-fat creamer



Lunch Chipotle turkey wrap

¾ cup low-fat cottage cheese



Afternoon Lipton Unsweetened Tea -16oz

Snack of deli ham and cheese



Dinner Maple ginger pork chop

Mexican rice



Evening Town House reduced fat flipsides – 10 3 120 2
TOTAL 46 2105 146

After Thoughts…

OMG! This was truly revealing to me. I tried to estimate what I ate before I calculated the statistics. I thought it was about 2/3 of the real story. I am glad I participated in this blogging challenge. I really exposed where I need to change my diet.

My weight has been stable for 2 years. I blamed not being able to take off more pounds on my body being “comfortable” where it is at. I now see that it is because my intake is still just too large. I think I am eating at times just because I think it is time to eat. I now plan on being more conscious of when I am hungry and need food.

I am going to continue to track my Weight Watchers points in the coming weeks to see how I can bring them into line with my 35 point allowance. I am petty certain that it will have some positive impact on my weight loss. Stay tuned…

Other Bariatric Bloggers who are journaling

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  1. Pingback: A Day o’ Eats! « Banded Girl

  2. Pingback: Spending Cinqo De Mayo With Joe – Part 3

  3. Pam Tremble May 6, 2011 at 9:44 am

    Tom – So nice to meet you as we do this food logging thing together. It’s always great to have a new friend in the WLS community! I’m excited to check out the rest of your site and subscribe to your feed for future posts. Thanks for your honesty and straightforward way of looking at your day.

  4. Pingback: Accountability in black and white | Beariatric

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