April 13, 2006 – Thursday – Fourth Day at Sea

Very nice morning! I walked the track for the 2nd day going 10 rounds (2 KM) in 40 minutes. It was mid-70s and almost no breeze. We are nearing Hawaii. You can now see the islands on the GPS TV station showing our position at sea. It’s finally nice to see something other than just open sea.

We had breakfast at the Waterfall Café outdoor deck at the rear of the ship. It was nice and warm. I was pleased to find out that the omelet station can make an Egg-Beater omelet. I make sure that I always fill up on a large plate of tropical fruit. It keeps me from the fattening stuff. They ran out of yogurt smoothies in the spa café today. I have grown addicted to them, especially after my morning walk.

We had an exciting afternoon. The sun is out, the sea is calm and it’s around 80. I got a slight burn. We had lunch outside on deck at the Waterfall Café again. It was Cajun day and the dishes were pretty good.

The big news for the day is that Brett came in 3rd place at the blackjack tournament. He won $175 and a Celebrity High Rollers Club polo shirt. That tournament requires strategy and is much harder than the slot tournament where it’s all luck.

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