Two summers ago my concrete goose had an unfortunate accident. While watering planters on my deck, I yanked my hose which appeared to be stuck. The hose was set free with a thud. I turned around to see that my goose was beheaded. It was a freak at-home accident. The hose had wrapped around his neck. Unfortunately a head rolled.
I have tried to repair him many times with concrete repair only to have the head roll across the floor. He got a reprieve last year after my heart attack. I was going to throw him over the deck. However, he was way over my 5 pound lifting limit. So, he wintered on the deck and was even power-washed this spring.
Now, I must decide his fate. What do you do with a headless concrete goose? It’s not the easiest thing to move. I doubt if the trash will pick him up. Goodwill won’t take him. Then there’s the head and neck. Should it go with the goose? What is the most respectful fate for this beloved animal? I still have his cute fisherman and Uncle Sam outfits (and others). He was so amusing at parties wearing his clown suit and holding balloons. What should his fate be?
Roast at 350 degrees for 3 months?
I say keep the headless goose and bring him/her out for the Halloween holiday, plop a miniature pumpkin on the stump of his neck and have a good ole time.
Have you tried Gorilla Glue? They say it works on everything…. If that doesn’t work I say keep it and have fun with it…