You almost lucked out this month. I forgot the July childhood photo. I was reading my pal Mike’s blog where he posted a baby photo, and I remembered that I forgot the July photo.
Here I am on July 4, 1964 in my grandmother’s side yard. As you can see I am sporting the All-American look. I’ve got a flag in both hands and am wearing my Pack 170 Webelo Cub Scout t-shirt.
I must confess I quit scouts at the Webelo rank. My friends had decided to not go into Boy Scouts and scouting just didn’t seem to interest me anymore. Subconsciously I knew that blue looked great with my skin tone and khaki, olive and beige just did not work! Of course had I continued on, I am sure that scouting would have provided me with many interesting opportunities during camp outs!
Summer camp was fun…I remember finding out I liked playing with other boys….
And What were they thinking when they came up with the WE-Blows name…. I got out before I became an Eagle scout.