Memorable Memorial Day Weekend

blogIMG_2080 It was a busy Memorial Day weekend for Brett and I. We drove to Cleveland early Saturday morning to pickup our friends Al and Keith from Chicago. They had taken the Megabus red eye. We hope to try it sometime later this summer. It is a non-stop, low price bus that blogIMG_2082goes express between Cleveland and Chicago. They have many other Midwestern routes. It cost Al and Keith less than $70 for 2 roundtrip tickets. They said the ride was comfortable, fast and on time. With gas prices at $4 it is definitely worth a try.

We made a quick stop at the Westside Market for breakfast and shopping. I bought some apple and southwestern chicken sausages, as well as, an assortment of produce for our picnic.

blogIMG_2088Mike and Greg joined us for the afternoon as we toured Ohio’s Amish Country. It was a perfect day weather wise. We had a huge Amish meal at the Farmstead Restaurant in Berlin.

On Sunday we had our Memorial Day picnic. AnoblogIMG_2097ther perfect day… this does not happen on holiday weekends in Ohio! I had made a set of cornhole game boards. This was their first test run. It was a hit. We spent hours playing until the mosquitoes started to eat us up.

Today we took Al and Keith back to Cleveland to take the bus home. We stoppeblogIMG_2104d for lunch at Hoggy’s in Valley View for BBQ. The wraps there are delicious. Give them a try. Well it’s back to work tomorrow. At least it is a short work week.

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