on eagle wings

zzz51wedding Saturday night my mother passed way quietly in her sleep. It was 40 years on this day that my father died. At age 91, my mother had suffered the memory robbing Alzheimer’s Disease for the past ten years. It is a cruel disease that is very hard on the caregivers for these patients.

zzzFamily 1958 My mother lived a very full and active life. She was the model of the post-war bride and housewife through the 50s and 60s. In 1970 her life changed dramatically with my father’s death. With three teenagers she became a working mother as a school cafeteria cook. This job gave her new life and purpose. The close friendships of these cooks carried her through the grieving of my father’s death and in 1975 my sisters death in a car-train wreck.

zzzimmigration As the sole survivor of her five siblings, my mother witnessed the declining health of her brothers and sisters. She had many times said that she would never want to live if she was stricken by Alzheimer’s. I remember the day at University Hospitals when she was diagnosed. The doctor gave her the diagnosis; she gasped; and minutes later was unaware of what had transpired. So, the journey began on this new chapter of her life.

zzzbilczevernawed Aside from the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, my mother enjoyed a good life over the past 10 years. She suffered no major illnesses and was seldom ill with even a cold or flu. She was able to stay at home under the excellent care of Nancy her caregiver and my brother. They always made sure she got out of the house whenever possible to enjoy life. They truly made her life worth living.

zzzkingsisland Sunday evening we met with my mother’s pastor and the funeral director planning her visitation hours and funeral. We had preplanned as much as possible, but there is still plenty to do. Her pastor is a wonderful person. Her funeral service will include communion as a celebration of her life on earth and her new life in heaven.

zzzmomtomjoehhi My brother and I are partial to “On Eagle Wings”. We chose Isaiah 40:31 as the Bible verse on her memorial card. This is the verse that inspired this song. Although there is sadness mixed with a sense of relief in our family, we know that she is a much better place, living a life where she will walk and never be weary.

Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.

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  1. Terri February 22, 2010 at 3:09 pm

    I am so very sorry for your loss.

    1. Marti Francies King December 22, 2011 at 1:42 pm

      This is a very touching post to the memory of your mother. I am so sorry for your loss. I know the illness that robs one of their memories and life. So sorry to see that she had to experience that. I have many memories of your sister Cindy. We were childhood friends and I was fortunate to get to meet your father at a Birthday party for Cindy. Your mom always excepted me into her home with a warm welcome. Every year at this time I honor Cindy’s memory and the memories I have of our friendship over the years. Thanks for posting the pictures of your family. It touched my heart to be able to look back over some memorial moments of my childhood. Merry Christmas to you and God Bless!!!


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