National Eating Healthy Day

For most Americans, today is the day after the 2012 Presidential election. The press, workplace and family chatter is all about the election results. Today also happens to be National Eating Healthy Day. That fact almost slipped by until I came across a tweet about this commemoration on my Twitter feed buried in the sea of election tweets.

I had not heard about this day prior to last week through an American Heart Association (AHA) newsletter. It appears that the AMA is the organizer of this annual event.  Research points to the fact that obesity is a major cause of heart attacks and coronary heart disease. There is no doubt that eating an unhealthy diet leads to obesity. That link is good cause for the AMA to encourage Americans to heat healthier.

I came across a post by Charlotte Hoffer of the American Cancer Society on 7 Ways to Celebrate National Eating Healthy Day on the American Indian Today Media Network. It was one of those wonders of Google  that sends you to good content that you would have never visited. I am sharing Charlotte’s list below since it hits the nail right on the head. I encourage you to read the entire article where she expands on the list.

    1. Stock up right.
    2. Ditch dashboard dining.
    3. Count your fruits and veggies!
    4. Swap out for whole grains.
    5. Mark your progress.
    6. Think small.
    7. Think outside the carry-out box!

Today’s fast paced lives have trained us to be unhealthy eaters. It takes the shape of a stop at a fast food drive thru, restaurants’ need to prove their value through large plates of food, and the barrage of high fat, high calorie foods in the media. Smaller portion sizes and fresh fruits and vegetables are met with distain, especially our youth.

Charlotte’s list is short. These are seven simple tips we can each follow. The chore is carrying through on adhering to these principles. Where can you start to make yourself a healthier eater?

You can eat this list in smaller bites (Yes, a pun was intended!). Rank this list from easiest to hardest to accomplish. Start this week by following the item you ranked as the easiest to follow. Add in the other items over time. There may be times when you need to take half a step rather than a full step. Make changes at a pace that fits your personality.

Eating healthy may be a goal for you today. Making eating healthy something you do without thinking is a good companion goal. It is often said that diets fail because they limit the foods you eat rather than change your behavior to eat the right foods. Make today is the first day you change your behavior to eat healthy.

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